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How can I increase the size of a node proportional to the number of indegrees in Gephi?

This is an example of what I am trying to achieve. It is quite simple and some Gephi experts could help me out. I want the node size to increase to the proportional of indegrees towards that node. This is obviously a directed graph as you might have figured. enter image description here


  • As you expect, this is a commong Gephi ranking feature.

    • Go to ranking dock (normally at the top-left of the UI coupled with partition dock), you can find screenshots and details at
    • chose the node tab in order to rank by node, chose the "red diamond" icon, in order to rank by size.
    • In the dropdown menu chose InDegree as rank parameter. (if you don't see the indegree parameter see further on this answer).
    • Set min size and max size as you wish,
    • select the range of the InDegree values to consider (usually the complete range).
    • If you want to increase the size proportionally to indegree in a linear way, leave the spline as default, otherwise you can curve the correlation.

    That's it, push apply and you'll have it.

    If you don't see the InDegree parameter you need to calculate it before. To do this:

    • focus on the statistics dock (bottom-right of the GUI).
    • run the Avarege Degree statistic (which - if your network is directed - calculates degree, indegree and outdegree).
    • to be shure your network is directed, focus on the context dock (upper-right of the UI). It says number of nodes, number of edges, and type of graph (directed or undirected).
    • after calculating the degrees values, gephi associates them to the nodes and you can use them as ranking parameters.