When running this command:
objDoc.SelectSingleNode ("//ProfileSettings/Form[@name='frmViewMailMessages']/Control[@name='subMailMessages']/Height")
With objDoc's XML being:
<Form name="frmViewMailMessages">
<Control name="subMailMessages">
<Control name="subMailMessage">
objDoc.Text returns a string containing all values appended:
I'm trying to only receive the value 4175 from frmViewMailMessages->subMailMessages->Height
Any ideas? Thanks
I think i know why .... you are using wrong object. Instead of using the objDoc
, you need to set this into a Node
and then retrieve the value. Something like the below
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.SetProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
xmlDoc.Async = False
Set nodeXML = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("//ProfileSettings/Form[@name='frmViewMailMessages']/Control[@name='subMailMessages']/Height")
msgbox nodeXML.Text