I am writing a preferences editor tool (see http://www.tempel.org/PrefsEditor). It is effectively a GUI version of the defaults
I have trouble reading (let alone writing) preferences of random sandboxed applications, though.
For instance, when I try to get the keys of the Maps app, I get NULL returned:
CFArrayRef prefs = CFPreferencesCopyKeyList (CFSTR("com.apple.Maps"), kCFPreferencesCurrentUser, kCFPreferencesAnyHost);
However, the defaults
command is able to read those prefs:
defaults read com.apple.Maps
I like to know how the defaults command accomplishes this, trying to do the same in my tool.
try that:
CFPropertyListRef prop = CFPreferencesCopyValue(CFSTR("ElementsVersion"),
seems you need the path to the file, not just the bundle-id