My messagebox shows listviewitem{'proxy'}. How can I filter out listviewitem { } to obtain only proxy string.
Codes will be...
for (int index = 0; index < listviewproxy.Items.Count; index++)
ListViewItem proxyitem = listviewproxy.Items[index];
string txturl = proxyitem.SubItems[0].Text;
txturl = "Checking Url...";
var RequestPage = BuildHttpRequest("", listviewproxy.Items[index].ToString());
public static HttpWebRequest BuildHttpRequest(string url, string proxy)
var getPage = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
string occoultProxy = proxy;
You can obtain the result by using IndexOf and Substring:
String St = proxy.ToString();
MessageBox.Show(St.Substring(0, St.LastIndexOf(':')).Substring(St.IndexOf('{') + 1));
It shows