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not able to execute rsync from java

 Process p;
 String cmd = "rsync --timeout=20 -v -r -E -e \"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "
                      + "/usr/local/my.pem\"" 
                      + " root@<IP>:/usr/local/test/ /other/test";
try {
    p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    System.out.println("going to exec1");
    int val = p.waitFor();  

When i try the above code, rsync does not work and val = 1.

while if i try cmd value directly on ternimal it works fine.

What is wrong with the code ?


String[] cmd = new String[]{"rsync", "--timeout=20", "-v", "-r", "-a", "-E", "-e",
                        "\"ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i " + "/usr/local/my.pem" + "\"",
                         "root" + "@" + "" + ":" + "/usr/local/test1" ,
                        "/usr/local" + "/" + "test1"};

    try {
        p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
        System.out.println("going to exec1");
        int val = p.waitFor();  

This time val = 12 Now what can be wrong


  • You need to use a different version of exec, as the one you're using assumes that the command name is the whole string.

    You need to use this flavor of exec, which takes a string array, where each element in the array is one of the parameters.

    If fact, this question is a duplicate of How to execute command with parameters? (where you can see an example)