I have created blackberry project and follow the instructions on the PhoneGap site.
I have used ripple emulator for build the application .Package was created and build successfully, but when I try to package and sign it it shows this error:
-Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: [ERROR] Cannot sign application - failed to find signing key file: barsigner.csk
When I used package-launch it installed in emulator and launched the application, but it only showed blank screen.
Can someone please help me find what I am missing and help me manually sign the application?
install app : blackberry-deploy -installApp -password @123 -device 192... -package test.bar -password *@123 ((Navigate to sdk path bin folder under dependency ))
Ref site : http://inflagrantedelicto.memoryspiral.com/2011/02/blackberry-playbook-code-signing-process/