Here are the things that i have already taken care of:
Downloaded updated copy of php_browscap.ini from (used the 'use only with PHP' version ofcourse)
tried php_browscap.ini,lite_php_browscap.ini and full_php_browscap.ini 3. edited the php.ini file to: [browscap]
browscap = "C:\xampp\php\extras\full_php_browscap.ini"
confirmed that i have changed the correct php.ini file by checking php_info()
and yes removed that ; from ';browscap = .....'
restated the xampp server.
But still getting the strange values
Array ( [browser_name_regex] => §^.*$§ [browser_name_pattern] => * [comment] => Default Browser [browser] => Default Browser [version] => 0.0 [majorver] => 0 [minorver] => 0 [platform] => unknown [platform_version] => unknown [alpha] => [beta] => [win16] => [win32] => [win64] => [frames] => [iframes] => [tables] => [cookies] => [backgroundsounds] => [javascript] => [vbscript] => [javaapplets] => [activexcontrols] => [ismobiledevice] => [issyndicationreader] => [crawler] => [cssversion] => 0 [aolversion] => 0 )
I updated the browscap.ini file from