I have a hard drive that I want to overwrite, not with null bytes, but with a message.
48 69 64 64 65 6e 20 = "Hidden "
Here's my command thus far:
echo "Hidden " > /myfile
dd if=/myfile of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
Note: I have also tried an assorment of parameters such as count and conv to no avail
Now, this is fine. When I run:
dd if=/dev/sdb | hexdump -C | less
I can see the first few bytes written over, however, the rest is unchanged. I'd like to recursively write "Hidden " to the drive.
I don't have a spare disk to try this out on, but you can use the yes
command to continuously push your string into the pipe:
yes "Hidden" | dd of=/dev/sdb
I assume once dd has written the whole disk, then it will close the pipe and this command will finish.
The above will newline-delimit the "Hidden" string. If you want it space-delimited, as in the question you can do:
yes "Hidden" | paste -d' ' -s - | dd of=/dev/sdb
Or if you want it null-delimited:
yes "Hidden" | tr '\n' '\0' | dd of=/dev/sdb