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Moving a UITabBarController item vertically

I think I can explain this problem easy enough. I have a UITabBar item attached to a tab bar that is on one of my ViewController's that is linked from my UITabBar Controller. When selecting the tab bar in the view controller of subject, I go to the attributes inspector and am given two sections labeled "Tab Bar Item" and "Bar Item" respectively.

tab bar view

So here's my problem: I can adjust the location of the "Title" by going into the Tab Bar Item section and specifying (Title) to "custom offset" and then adjusting the (horizontal) and (vertical), but what I'm trying to do is LOWER the picture that I have specified for Item from "Bar Item", and not the title. I would actually prefer to delete the "Title" for the tab bar, and just move my chosen tab bar icon image DOWNWARD. How do I do this?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

I think you can see what I mean by needing to move the icon downward vertically.


  • To offset the image, go into Interface Builder, and select the tab bar item in the child view controller. Then go into the Size Inspector in the Utilities Menu. Then, if you want to shift the image down by, let's say, 5 pixels, change this:

    enter image description here

    to this:

    enter image description here

    To clarify, you need to change both top/bottom or left/right to make sure that the image doesn't get squished.