I want to run a report to make sure the password of every user is set to expire every 30 days, but the expiration interval doesn't seem to be stored in syslogins?
you can get report with following proc:
use sybsystemprocs
print 'sp__helpexpire'
if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where type = "P" and name = "sp__helpexpire")
drop proc sp__helpexpire
create procedure sp__helpexpire
set nocount on
declare @swexpire int
select @swexpire=value from master.dbo.sysconfigures
where name = 'systemwide password expiration'
print "Serverwide password expire: %1!" ,@swexpire
print ""
print "Logins:"
print "=============================================================="
select l.name login , case a.int_value
when null then @swexpire
else a.int_value end "expire in days"
from master.dbo.syslogins l , master.dbo.sysattributes a
where l.suid *= a.object
and a.object_type='PS'
and a.attribute=0
and object_cinfo='login'
print ""
print "Roles:"
print "=============================================================="
select r.name "role name", case a.int_value
when null then @swexpire
else a.int_value end "expire in days"
from master.dbo.syssrvroles r , master.dbo.sysattributes a
where r.srid *= a.object
and a.object_type='PS'
and a.attribute=0
and object_cinfo='role'
it is always a good idea to check source code of those system procedures (stored in sybsystemprocs database) which manipulate with records you are looking for (in this case it is sp_addlogin, sp_modifylogin)