I have added a slider to a Fusion Tables map, that generates a query: http://jsfiddle.net/nautilia/8zwGP/1/
slide: function (event, ui) {
document.getElementById("slider-value").innerHTML = "año " + ui.value;
var suma = "start > 1900 AND start <" + ui.value + " AND end >" + ui.value;
query: {
select: "col8",
from: "1BV8lFXocqLor3Mack66ld82zSmUeHPyzKeCSK_w",
where: suma
It's a list of cinemas in a city. The slider queries the table to know which cinemas are open in the selected year.
I want to add an element next to the map, telling how many cinemas (points) are open (showed in the map) in that year.
I have done several failed attempts, trying to mix code from Fusion Tables API https://developers.google.com/fusiontables/docs/sample_code?hl=ca&csw=1#gviz and from this tutorial http://michelleminkoff.com/2012/02/05/how-to-count-queried-rows-in-a-google-fusion-table/ with my code.
I don't really know how to obtain the query output (COUNT()) for the ui.value (year) using the existent code. And neither I'm able to show it, as a bar or simply the number.
I'm puzzled and can't achieve the right code. Any help will be thanked.
Thank you in advance
You need to get the count, based on your slder query (or your var suma, which you'll need to make a global) asynchronously via another jsonp call. I answered this a while ago at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16217367/1211981 There is no way to get this value via your slider handler. You'll need a separate function FT API call to get the count and set it after the fact.
var count_qry = 'select count() from "1BV8..." where ' + suma;
See this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/9778985/1211981 and look for the getFTCount() function. Note: this code predates the FT API 1.0 so the AJAX end points have changed.
Adding code re: my comment below. Change this:
var getCount = $.get(queryurl,
function (data) {
try {
.. .
function getCount(){
. . .
Then add getCount() after this line.
window.suma = "start > 1900 AND start <" + ui.value + " AND end >" + ui.value;