I cannot figure out why my button click is not navigating to a new page. I have tried writing this code several ways, but none of them work. EnlargedScreenCap is a WPF page and is in the same directory as the window in which I want to load it.
private void Image_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
NavigationService nav = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this);
ImageSource image = sender as ImageSource;
EnlargedScreenCap esc = new EnlargedScreenCap();
Written like this I get a null reference exception because NavigationService
is not getting initialized.
private void Image_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
ImageSource image = sender as ImageSource;
EnlargedScreenCap esc = new EnlargedScreenCap();
NavigationService nav = NavigationService.GetNavigationService(this);
nav.Navigate(new Uri("//EnlargedScreenCap.xaml"), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
When written like the above code, I get an invalid URI error, although nav
is still null.
I tried searching around and this problem has been brought up many times, but no one seems to have a decent explanation or at least one that I have been able to successfully apply.
Could someone point me in the right direction?
I do not think you should be creating the NavigationService the way you are doing. Also if you want to enable navigation all this should be done in a Frame
<Frame x:Name="_mainFrame" />
Then you could do something like
_mainFrame.NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("EnlargedScreenCap.xaml", UriKind.Relative));
Without the double slashes in front.
Checkout this article. http://paulstovell.com/blog/wpf-navigation
Hope it helps