Search code examples

FOR UPDATE OF, Cursor lock

I've run into trouble, I've tried everything ( in my oppinion, of course it's wrong 'cause the answer is out there)

The code block updates all the necessery rows in the proposed_raises table, although it should update the proposed_new_salary field with different values, because the cursor retrieves six different values for e.salary.

The code:

CURSOR cur_rai_sal (p_salary_num NUMBER) IS
   SELECT e.employee_id, e.department_id, e.salary
      FROM employees e, proposed_raises rs
         WHERE e.salary <= p_salary_num
           FOR UPDATE OF rs.date_proposed, rs.date_approved, rs.proposed_new_salary    NOWAIT;              

FOR v_cur_rai_sal IN cur_rai_sal(5000) LOOP

   --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_cur_rai_sal.employee_id ||''||v_cur_rai_sal.department_id|| ' ' || v_cur_rai_sal.salary);
UPDATE proposed_raises
SET date_proposed = SYSDATE,
    date_approved = NULL,
    proposed_new_salary = v_cur_rai_sal.salary /100*105
WHERE CURRENT OF cur_rai_sal;


No error messages, only "1 row(s) updated".

Thank you in advance :)


  • It's not clear what your problem is. I wrote some similar code using a table defined like this:

    create table t1 (id int, val number);
    insert into t1 select rownum, rownum*1000 from user_objects where rownum < 10;
    SQL> select * from t1;
            ID        VAL
    ---------- ----------
             1       1000
             2       2000
             3       3000
             4       4000
             5       5000
             6       6000
             7       7000
             8       8000
             9       9000
       CURSOR c (p_salary_num NUMBER) IS
          SELECT id, val
          FROM t1
          FOR UPDATE OF val  NOWAIT;
       FOR v_c IN c(5000) LOOP
          UPDATE t1
          SET val = v_c.val /100*105
          WHERE CURRENT OF c;
       END LOOP;

    and it worked fine:

    SQL> select * from t1;
            ID        VAL
    ---------- ----------
             1       1050
             2       2100
             3       3150
             4       4200
             5       5250
             6       6300
             7       7350
             8       8400
             9       9450

    However you must be doing something different, because your code would never produce the message "1 row(s) updated", it would say "PL/SQL procedure successfully completed." So it appears that you are performing a stand-alone UPDATE statement not in a PL/SQL block.