I have on daily bases need to watch the logs during our testing. This is always a pain in the * as I always have to enter the log directory, copy the name of last directory, than copy the name of last log file in directory and tail it which takes a lot of time, I was wondering if there is any combination of commands which would do this automatically so I could alias it.
So I know to select last file/directory I can use this:
ls | tail -1
And I know to watch log file updating I can use:
tail -f
But is there a combination of commands which would go like this:
Thank you for all your help.
To sort files by date reliably:
list_date_sorted_ascending() {
while IFS= read -r -d '' -u 9
printf '%q\0' "${REPLY#* }"
done 9< <(find "$1" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -printf '%T@' -exec printf ' %s\0' {} \; | sort --general-numeric-sort --zero-terminated)
To be able to use head
and tail
on NUL-separated output:
nul_terminated() {
tr '\0\n' '\n\0' | "$@" | tr '\0\n' '\n\0'
Putting it together:
tail -f "$(list_date_sorted_ascending /var/log | nul_terminated tail -n 1)"