I have developed an iPhone app, it is not universal. Now when i run it on any iPhone it's launching with splash screen and icon image is getting showed on device but-
when I run same app on iPad neither it is showing the launch images/Splash screen nor it's icon image is visible on device.
I am using Xcode 5, Deployment target is 6.0, and app is not universal.
Please have a look of images what i did yet.
what is the correct process in Xcode 5 to set icon images and launch images of any iPhone app, should i set it for iPad somewhere?
Is it because of resolution of images (Icon/Launch) for Retina and Non-Retina Display?
In X-Code 5 image assets is the folder to manage the images including icon images and launch images but in my case to manage it i just check the resolution of every icon image and launch image, some of the images having correct suitable size for retina display but not having proper resolution so i corrected it.
Resolution Non-Retina: 72 Resolution Retina display: 376
In image assets > icon folder > it worked for me when i put images with correct resolution and size i.e.-
Xcode 5 is smart enough to check the resolution so be sure about the resolution of images, I Think.
When i tried to add correct images in image assets > launch image, it didn't work yet so For launch image i used the old pattern to handle Launching image like-
It worked in my case, Hope It will help others as well.