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How to "extend" a class so its variables can return a prefix with the value

First of all sorry for the confusing title, I could not find the exact words to describe the situation. But it's easy to understand with an example.

We have a static class that holds the table names as a catalog like this:

public static class Tables
    public const string Employees= "DBEmploy1";
    public const string Sales = "Sale1";
    // (...etc)

And use them in our code like this:

string sql = "select name, surname from " + Tables.Employees + " where code='1'"

But sometimes we need to prefix the database connection or another prefix/suffix to the tables. The current solution is to declare a second Table catalog:

public static class CurrentDB1Prefix = "[databasex].dbo."

public static class Tables
    public const string Employees = "DBEmploy1";
    public const string Sales = "Sale1";
    // (...etc)
public static class TablesP
    public static readonly string Employees = CurrentDB1Prefix + Employees;
    public static readonly string Sales = CurrentDB1Prefix + Sales;
    // (...etc)

And use them in our code like:

string sql = "select name, surname from " + TablesP.Employees + " where code='1'"

To save effort maintaining two table lists we would like to do something like this:

public static class CurrentDB1Prefix = "[databasex].dbo."
public static class Tables
    public const string Employees= "DBEmploy1";
    public const string Sales = "Sale1";
    // (...etc)
public static class TablesP
    //this would return the above Table class variables with the prefixes somehow
    return CurrentDB1Prefix + Table.TableVariablex;

How can this be done? Or some approximation as usable as this?


  • Don't use static and don't use const. Make the values runtime-changable by converting the fields to properties. Like this:

    public class Tables
      public string CurrentPrefix = ...;
      public string Employees { get { return CurrentPrefix  + "DBEmploy1" };