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CodeIgniter: Displaying data from two tables in a view - use one loop?

I'd like some help please. I have these two database tables, with relationship 1-n (one album has many images):

  albums            images
----------       -------------
album_id            img_id
title               album_id
description         img_file

Now what I'm trying to do is to show all the albums with their images in my view, something like this, see the 2nd screenshot (portfolio).

This is what I have in my Controller:

// fetch all album data 
$albums = $this->album_model->get();

// fetch images for each album
foreach ($albums as $album ) {
 $images = $this->albumimage_model->get_by('album_id', $album->album_id);

$data = array(
 'albums'  =>  $albums, 
 'images'  =>  $images, 
$this->load->view('album_listing', $data); 

If i loop through the album data in my view, I get this:

<?php foreach($albums as $album): ?>
<div class="album">
<p><?php echo $album->title; ?></p>
<p><?php echo $album->description; ?></p>
<?php endforeach; ?> 

So far so good, but now here comes the headache: I want to display the images that belong to each album, so basicle something like this:

<?php foreach($albums as $album): ?>
<div class="album">
    <p><?php echo $album->title; ?></p>
    <p><?php echo $album->description; ?></p>

    // show all images of the album
    <div class="images"><img src="uploads/<php? echo $album->title;  ?>.'/'.<php? echo $image->image_file;  ?> " /></div>

<?php endforeach; ?>

How can I accomplish that, according to the CodeIgniter practices???

Some additional info: 1. I have also enable the CodeIgntier's Profiler and I've noticed that the running queries are incremented like this. Whouldn't this increase the memmory in case I have many albums (50 - 100 albums with images)???

  1. I also tried to do this using just one query with JOIN, something like this:

    $albums = $this->db->select('albums.*') ->select('images.img_id, images.img_file') ->join('images', 'images.album_id = albums.album_id') ->order_by('albums.album_id') ->get('albums') ->result_array();

The problem with this is when I loop through the data (lets say I have two albums in my database), I get the data twice on my page, like :

album1 - images of album 1
album1 - images of album 1
album2 - images of album 2
album2 - images of album 2


  • $query = $this->db->get('albums');
    $albums = $query->result_array();
    $query = $this->db->get('images');
    $images =$query->result_array();
    foreach ($albums as $album)
        foreach ($images as $image)
            if($image['album_id'] == $album['album_id']){
                $data[$album['album_id']]['images'] = $image['album_id'];