Why IQueryOver has 2 type arguments:
QueryOver<TRoot,TSubType> is an API for retrieving entities by composing
NHibernate.Criterion.Expression objects expressed using Lambda expression
The answer is: to support fluent syntax, and have access to root settings all the time.
So we can use this definition:
IQueryOver<Contact,Contact> rootQuery = session // here we have Contact query
IQueryOver<Contact, Employee> emplQueryOver = rootQuery
.JoinQueryOver<Employee>(c => c.Parnter); // here we work with its Parnter
IQueryOver<Contact, Employee> creatorQueryOver = emplQueryOver
.JoinQueryOver<Employee>(e => e.Creator); // here we have creator of Parnter
So having this, we can do some filtering:
and then go back to root query and set
rootQuery.OrderBy(c => c.ID).Desc
.ThenBy(c => c.LastName)
But because of the interface IQueryOver<TRoot, TSubType>
beeing returned all the way down, we can do that without the middle variables... we can do it in one fluent run
var list = session // here we have Contact query
.Where(... //filter contact
// Join Parnter
.JoinQueryOver<Employee>(c => c.Parnter)
.Where(... //filter Partner
// Join More
.JoinQueryOver<Employee>(e => e.Creator)
// While still having the Root in the scope we can do
.SelectList(list => list....
.OrderBy(c => c.ID)
.ThenBy(c => c.Code)
.List<Contact>(); // the Root