I would like to ask a question about a code line mentioned in another question here: How to avoid ANR in standalone android Service
My question is about the line:
AndroidConfiguration config = new AndroidConfiguration();
Because I would like to make an Android application using the JVXML interpret, but so far I have no idea how to obtain this configuration, that I have to put as parameter in the following line:
jvxml = new JVoiceXmlMain(config);
I guess my question should be aimed on Mr. Marakatu, who asked the linked question, but I don't see any PM system on this web.
Thank you for any help.
With the help of JVoiceXML project manager, we made a functioning JVoiceXML Text Client for Android. The current version is available in android repository branch.
Where the package org.jvoicexml.client.android
is the client itself, with configuration classes included in the source folder inside.