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What is the correct way to replace matplotlib tick labels with computed values?

I have a figure with a log axis

enter image description here

and I would like to relabel the axis ticks with logs of the values, rather than the values themselves

enter image description here

The way I've accomplished this is with

plt.axes().set_xticklabels([math.log10(x) for x in plt.axes().get_xticks()])

but I wonder if there isn't a less convoluted way to do this.

What is the correct idiom for systematically relabeling ticks on matplotlib plots with values computed from the original tick values?


  • Look into the Formatter classes. Unless you are putting text on your ticks you should almost never directly use set_xticklabels or set_yticklabels. This completely de-couples your tick labels from you data. If you adjust the view limits, the tick labels will remain the same.

    In your case, a formatter already exists for this:

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.loglog(np.logspace(0, 5), np.logspace(0, 5)**2)

    matplotlib.ticker.LogFormatterExponent doc

    In general you can use FuncFormatter. For an example of how to use FuncFomatter see matplotlib: change yaxis tick labels which one of many examples floating around SO.

    A concise example for what you want, lifting exactly from JoeKington in the comments,:

       FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{:0.1f}'.format(log10(x))))