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Perl package is installed but still see error

I have just installed the package in my system using the instructions described in the question "How to install .pm to run the perl script"

Now, I am trying to run the Perl script But I still see the following error:

Win32::OLE operating in debugging mode: _Unique => 1
 at C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/ line 30
        require Win32/OLE/ called at C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/ line 48
        require Win32/ called at C:\Users\c_desaik\Desktop\pwrdb\offtarget\ line 37
        main::BEGIN() called at C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/ line 0
        eval {...} called at C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE/ line 0

53:     my $prod_id = "QPSTAtmnServer.Application";

I can actually see the OLE.PM file at the location C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE but still it is throwing an error.

I did not copy the module, I installed it using CPAN.

I am confused because there are two locations where I see an OLE folder

  • C:\strawberry\perl\site\lib
  • C:/Dwimperl/perl/site/lib/Win32/OLE

Normally, when I install something, it has only one root directory. I am not sure why Perl is operated from two of those.


  • "Win32::OLE operating in debugging mode" is not an error. It's a warning that's issued when a script using Win32::OLE is run from the debugger. Everything is functioning as it should.