Is there a way to use razor variables in PageTemplateFeatures in C1?
I have this in MasterLayout.cshtml:
@inherits CompositeC1WebPage @{
string stylesFolder = "~/Frontend/Styles";
string jsFolder = "~/Frontend/Scripts";
string imgLayoutFolder = "~/Frontend/Images/Layout";
string imgSliderFolder = "~/Frontend/Images/Slider";
string websiteTitle = HomePageNode.Title;
And I'd like to reference these variables in the PageTemplateFeatures.
Thanks, Robert
Probably not.
A Page Template Feature is actually an .html or .xml file. To make the system aware of the Razor syntax in the file, the file should be .cshtml (see also If you try and replace the extension of the template feature's physical file, you'll lose the feature to the system.
I have a suggestion: How about moving all the Razor related code to a Razor function and then insert this function in the template feature. The function should of course both declare variables and use them.