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Configure SQuirrel SQL Client to work for DB2/AS400

I use the ancient System i Navigator (french) to get to query a DB2 (AS/400) database.

I liked to update the client and use a more fresh (and English) sql client for that database.

So, I installed the SQuirrel SQL client (3.5.0, the latest at day).

After the installation and launching, I discovered that the "IBM DB2 App Driver" is not "checked". The message when I click on it says:

"Could not find class in neither the Java class path nor the Extra class path of the IBM DB2 App Driver driver definition: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:"

As I understood I need to copy a (universal?) JDBC driver in the SQuirrel "\lib" folder. How to get it?

I don't have any "classpath" defined in the environmental variables (I am on Windows 7 x64). I am not a Java developer, so I am not sure if I need or not to configure that classpath to make work that sql client.


  • if it's an AS400, then you should use JTOpen libraries to connect.

    JT400 has the JARS you need to use. Note, the class name mentioned above is not the same as what is expected on the AS400....

    I remember it being something like this.... you'll want to double check

    if you start squirrel-sql on the commandline you can add this

    set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:/jt400.jar