Search code examples

Run jQuery Tablesorter twice after asynchronous action

I need some advice for my tablesorter 2.0 ( plug-in.

First I created an table with this AJAX function synchronous:

// create head

// create body
    // make tab content
    $('#advies-content').append('<tr id="route-''">');

        // image
        $('#route-''<td  valign="top"></td>');
        $('#route-''<td  valign="top"  align="center"><img src="'+item.image+'"></td>');

        // distance
        $('#route-''<td valign="top">'+                  
        // time
        $('#route-''<td valign="top">'+                      

        // distance + time
        $('#route-''<td  valign="top">'+
            '<h5 class="click-route" mylatlng="'+item.destination+'"><font color="#21bba3">Route bepalen &gt;</font></h5>'+
            '<h3>&euro; '+item.price+' per uur</h3></td>'+

After that i populate this table with distances by using the Google Maps v3 API:

// function to handle the distance
calculateDistance(origin,destination).then(function(response) {                 
    var origins = response.originAddresses;                                                     
    var destinations = response.destinationAddresses;
    var results = response.rows[0].elements;
        var array = [];                             
        array[0] = results[0].distance.text;
        array[1] = results[0].duration.text;
    return array;
    }).done(function(distanceMatrixResult) {
        distance = distanceMatrixResult[0]; 
        time = distanceMatrixResult[1]; 

The Google API this function runs asynchronous. So when this table is complete and filled, i,d like to run the tablesorter plug-in on it and make it sortable. Beacause the function runs asynchronous i made an timer for it:

function doTableSorter(){

// run on tab click
$('#advies_block li').click(function(){
   // function to create and populate table
   // make table sorter 
   setTimeout(doTableSorter, 500);

The first time it works well. But when selection another tab the tablesorter does not work. It looks like it load well 1 time but when calling again the tablesorter will not load again.

What did I do wrong?

**Update: added screens* Before (table sorter works):

enter image description here

After click on tab (tabel sorter does not work):

enter image description here


  • I got the solution. Tablesorter cannot be binded again on the same table.

    So i first remove the complete table and append it again. After that the tablesorter can be binded to this table.

    // removethe table
    // create it again
    $('#tabs').append('<table id="advies-content"></table>'); 
      sortList: [[2,0],[3,0]] 