I have a dev express grid dbtableview where I defined a column as maskedit. On InitEdit I populate the LookItems list for a specific record (item).
The question is if I can restrict the user to introduce only the values that match the LookItems for the specific record, instead of changing the whole column property to LookUpComboBox ?
You will need a component called cxEditRepository, add LookupComboBox to Repository on your cxDBColumn use the event OnGetProperties
In this example, my column is called 'text'
procedure TForm2.cxGrid1DBTableView1TextGetProperties(
Sender: TcxCustomGridTableItem; ARecord: TcxCustomGridRecord;
var AProperties: TcxCustomEditProperties);
if ARecord.Values[cxGrid1DBTableView1Text.Index] = 'value2' then
AProperties:= cxEditRepository1LookupComboBoxItem1.Properties;
I hope this has helped