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Oracle: creating value set with query

I have a query which returns a list of values:

WITH temp AS (
    SELECT 108 Name, 'Err1, Err2, Err3' Error FROM DUAL
    SELECT 109, 'Err4' FROM DUAL
SELECT distinct Name,
    TRIM(REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) str
FROM (SELECT Name, Error str FROM temp) t
CONNECT BY INSTR(str, ',', 1, LEVEL - 1) > 0

enter image description here

I would like to create a value set (Err1, Err2, Err3, Err4) for parameter to be used in oracle concurrent program. However, the validation type 'Table' does not allow to insert such complicated query as shown above.

enter image description here

Is there any way to do so?


  • Create a VIEW of your SQL and use the view for validation.

    (I'm taking a stab in the dark and assuming that views can be used for the Table validation type.)