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Share link to social media from Phone

i am developing an app in wp7, which gives you the ability to post on social networks, the song you are listening with name, description and link!

The app is writen with # for Windows Phone and it use

ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask();

to post the link of song from YouTube!

The format of post is like:

Message = Listening now: SONGNAME from APP(APPLINK)

The problem is that when i post to facebook the SONGLINK does not have a preview, so is displayed like APPLINK in text-blue-hyperlink with border! I think is like facebook gets the link but not loads the preview...

I also tried to post facebook via the Facebook app (Microsoft's) and i got the same result, so the app has not problem but the facebook service?

Problem it seems to be from facebook as when i am working with twitter i have the preview with the same code sample!

So any ideas?


  • Problem it seem to be solved from facebook after some days, it seems that this happend due maintence of the facebook page.