i am developing an app in wp7, which gives you the ability to post on social networks, the song you are listening with name, description and link!
The app is writen with # for Windows Phone and it use
ShareLinkTask shareLinkTask = new ShareLinkTask();
to post the link of song from YouTube!
The format of post is like:
Message = Listening now: SONGNAME from APP(APPLINK)
The problem is that when i post to facebook the SONGLINK does not have a preview, so is displayed like APPLINK in text-blue-hyperlink with border! I think is like facebook gets the link but not loads the preview...
I also tried to post facebook via the Facebook app (Microsoft's) and i got the same result, so the app has not problem but the facebook service?
Problem it seems to be from facebook as when i am working with twitter i have the preview with the same code sample!
So any ideas?
Problem it seem to be solved from facebook after some days, it seems that this happend due maintence of the facebook page.