Thanks to Jon Skeet's answer in this question I have the following working:
public delegate BaseItem GetItemDelegate(Guid itemID);
public static class Lists
public static GetItemDelegate GetItemDelegateForType(Type derivedType)
MethodInfo method = typeof(Lists).GetMethod("GetItem");
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { derivedType });
return (GetItemDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetItemDelegate), method);
public static T GetItem<T>(Guid itemID) where T : class { // returns an item of type T ... }
public class DerivedItem : BaseItem { }
// I can call it like so:
GetItemDelegate getItem = Lists.GetItemDelegateForType(typeof(DerivedItem));
DerivedItem myItem = getItem(someID); // this works great
When I try to apply the same thing to a method with a different return type and overloads (those are the only differences I can come up with), I get an annoying "ArgumentException: Error binding to target method." on the call to CreateDelegate
. The below is a working example that gets the error, just copy/paste into a console app.
public delegate IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetListDelegate();
public class BaseItem { }
public class DerivedItem : BaseItem { }
public static class Lists
public static GetListDelegate GetListDelegateForType(Type itemType)
MethodInfo method = typeof(Lists).GetMethod("GetList", Type.EmptyTypes); // get the overload with no parameters
method = method.MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { itemType });
return (GetListDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(GetListDelegate), method);
// this is the one I want a delegate to, hence the Type.EmptyTypes above
public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>() where T : class { return new List<T>(0); }
// not the one I want a delegate to; included for illustration
public static IEnumerable<T> GetList<T>(int param) where T : class { return new List<T>(0); }
public static Type GetItemType()
{ // this could return any type derived from BaseItem
return typeof(DerivedItem);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Type itemType = Lists.GetItemType();
GetListDelegate getList = Lists.GetListDelegateForType(itemType);
IEnumerable<BaseItem> myList = (IEnumerable<BaseItem>)getList();
As mentioned above, the only differences I can see are:
works, IEnumerable<T>
doesn't) [EDIT: this isn't right, first version uses BaseItem
, not T
; oops]GetItem
has no overloads, GetList
has several; I only need the delegate to GetList()
with no paramsUpdate1: Sam helped me pinpoint some issues. If the return type of the delegate is generic (e.g. IEnumerable<BaseItem>
), it's choking when I try to swap base/derived types around. Is there any way I can declare my GetList
method like below? I need to be able to indicate that T
inherits from BaseItem
, but if I could then it would work fine for me.
public static IEnumerable<BaseItem> GetList<T>() where T : class
The other option would be to "genericize" my delegate declaration. All examples I can find use a generic for the params, not the return type. How do I do this (it throws a compiler error cause T
is undefined, and it won't let me use the where
public delegate IEnumerable<T> GetListDelegate();
I've gotten this working by declaring the delegate as just IEnumerable
. This allows it to create the delegate. All that was remaining then was just basic casting. The below changes fix the second code block above.
// declare this as non-generic
public delegate IEnumerable GetListDelegate();
// do some cast-fu to get the list into a workable form
List<BaseItem> myList = getList().Cast<BaseItem>().ToList();
I can then do myList.Sort()
and all the other stuff I am trying to do in my system at work.