I have a Parent (teams) and Child(players) resources nested. I would like to show the child(players) listed when I load team#show I can't find how to set my partial (or direct integration) to load the players inside the team view.
Routes :
resources :teams do
resources :players
To load the players of a team XX in the player#index, I use
Since I use Devise for user sessions, my team#show controller is
def show
@team = current_crafter.teams.find(params[:id])
But I do not know how to set my team#show controller to get the players, or how to call my partial to pass the card id (in the url)
I'm sure it's a noob thing. Thank you very much in advance for your help
To get the players in you team#show, assuming you are using convention where team has_many players.
def show
@team = current_crafter.teams.find(params[:id])
@players = @team.players
To use a player partial define views/players/_player.html.erb
and to call it, in your team show view use:
<%= render @players %>