I'm trying to call getAllSiteAccounts using the following URL:
When I make the call, I get back:
A 418 error code is:
Problem Updating Account(418): We could not update your account because the site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please try later.
Am I using the correct URL? I know they really don't want us to use this call in evaluation mode as it could time out, but I would think I'd get back a different error if that was the case.
Thanks, Chris
This URL is working. I tried this REST API using an external REST client and successfully got the response.
Below is the request which is being sent.
POST /services/srest/restserver/v1.0/jsonsdk/SiteAccountManagement/getAllSiteAccounts HTTP/1.1 Host: rest.developer.yodlee.com Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Can you test this again.