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How does SSMS get the transaction log usage?

When you right-click on database, Reports...Disk Usage, I get a report. Because I have limited permissions, I only get the top portion, which shows "Transaction Log Space Usage" - that number alone could be useful to me.

However, later I get error messages about not having permissions to run DBCC showfilestats, and I also definitely don't have access to sys.dm_os_performance_counters or DBCC SQLPERF('logspace').

If I can just get that top number, that would be useful. Unfortunately, I cannot run the profiler, of course, so I have no idea what command or query it's issuing to even get that data...


  • Profiler capture of my own SSMS Disk Usage report shows DBCC SQLPERF(LOGSPACE):

    exec sp_executesql @stmt=N'begin try 
    declare @tran_log_space_usage table( 
            database_name sysname
    ,       log_size_mb float
    ,       log_space_used float
    ,       status int
    insert into @tran_log_space_usage 
    exec(''DBCC SQLPERF ( LOGSPACE )'') ; 
    select 1 as l1
    ,       1 as l2
    ,       log_size_mb as LogSizeMB
    ,       cast( convert(float,log_space_used) as decimal(10,1)) as SpaceUsage
    ,       ''Used'' as UsageType 
    from @tran_log_space_usage 
    where database_name = DB_NAME() 
    select 1 as l1 
    ,       1 as l2
    ,       log_size_mb
    ,       cast(convert(float,(100-log_space_used)) as decimal(10,1)) as SpaceUsage
    ,       ''Unused'' as UsageType 
    from @tran_log_space_usage 
    where database_name = DB_NAME();  
    end try 
    begin catch 
    select -100 as l1
    ,       ERROR_NUMBER() as l2
    ,       ERROR_SEVERITY() as LogSizeMB 
    ,       ERROR_STATE() as SpaceUsage 
    ,       ERROR_MESSAGE() as UsageType 
    end catch',@params=N''