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Sentry on Laravel 4. Social Authentication without password

I am building a system where when a user is logging in for the first time using Facebook, he doesn't get to provide a password. So I try to log him in using the credentials from facebook.

Sentry::authenticate($credentials, false);  

The above command always has to ask for a password. How do I log in the user without having to ask them for a password?


  • In Sentry you can do login from two different ways:

    1) When typed a password on your login form, you tell Sentry to find the user and check the password to authenticate and login him/she at the same time:

    // Set login credentials
    $credentials = array(
        'email'    => Input::get('email'),
        'password' => Input::get('password'),
    // Try to authenticate the user
    $user = Sentry::authenticate($credentials, false);

    2) When the user is authenticated by other means, like OAuth and you just need to force it to be logged on your system:

    // Find the user using the user id or e-mail
    $user = Sentry::findUserById($userId);
    // or 
    $user = Sentry::findUserByLogin($email);
    // and
    // Log the user in
    Sentry::login($user, false);

    You choose one or another, you don't have to use both.

    3) As third example, let's say you have an old user database and your passwords are hashed using MD5:

    // Find the user
    $user = Sentry::findUserByLogin($email);
    // Check the password
    if ($user->password !== md5(Input::get('password'))
        Redirect::back()->withMessage('Password is not correct.');
    // And, if password is correct, force the login:
    Sentry::login($user, false);