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Link to another file

I'm generating a word document by using open-xml.

There i show names of image files i.e. c:\config\1.jpg c:\config\2.jpg

On-click on those names (cntl+click) those file should be opened. But it doesnt go to the file rather than an anchor to top of the word doc.

I used hyperlink as below

Paragraph paraSummary = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph());
Run runSummary = paraSummary.AppendChild(new Run());
runSummary.AppendChild(new Break());
Hyperlink hl = new Hyperlink(new Run(new Text(item.ToString())))
 DocLocation = rootPath1 + "\\" + item.ToString()


and the xml of generated file is :

-<w:hyperlink w:docLocation="c:\\config\\1.jpg">-<w:r><w:t>1.jpg</w:t></w:r></w:hyperlink>

is there any other solution other than 'Hyperlinks' or anything that i have missed in above code.


  • According to the Open XML spec. docLocation is for external links.

    For All types of hyperlinks we have to create a relationship. for example

    In your case TargetMode can't be external

    In Open XML SDK you can implement this as below code sample

    Hyperlink hl =
    new Hyperlink(new Run(new Text("Link1")))
        Id = "L1"
    mainPart.AddHyperlinkRelationship(new Uri("file:\\C:\\config\\image.jpg"), false, "L1");

    in AddHyperlinkRelationship method false means that this is not external link (which is for internal link)