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Can ReSharper 5.0 beta run tests with Gallio in VS2008?

When setting up a new machine yesterday I:

  1. Installed VS2008 without test support (I'd rather use Gallio and ReSharper if I need to use MSTest)
  2. Installed ReSharper 5.0 beta
  3. Installed Gallio 3.1 update 2

ReSharper doesn't see any of my MbUnit tests - there are no unit test markers in the margin and running all tests doesn't work. Should the current versions of these bits be working together or should I go back to ReSharper 4.5 for now?

Update: I have also tried a "typical" VS2008 installation with the same results.


  • Jeff Brown just released an update to Gallio so it should work with ReSharper 5.0 Beta: