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Do you have a real world example of AttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttribute usage?

I just come across AttachedPropertyBrowsableWhenAttributePresentAttribute, but can't think of when it would be useful. Any ideals?


  • Browsable means that a designer, like Visual Studio's WPF designer named Cider, shows the property in the designer. Since attached properties are not an actual property of a type and can be applied to almost type it is hard for the designer to know when to show or not show the property. These attributes are a way for a developer to let the designer know a certain attached property should be shown in the designer. In other words: Browsable. This specific attribute lets the designer know that this attached property should be browsable on types that have the specified attribute applied to them.

    The attached property:

    public class WhenAttributePresentTestControl : Grid
        public static readonly DependencyProperty ShowWhenCustomAttributePresentProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
        public static void SetShowWhenCustomAttributePresent(UIElement element, int value)
            element.SetValue(ShowWhenCustomAttributePresentProperty, value);
        public static int GetShowWhenCustomAttributePresent(UIElement element)
            return (int)element.GetValue(ShowWhenCustomAttributePresentProperty);

    Usage example:

    public class CustomLabel : Label
    public class CustomLabelNoCustomAttribute : Label

    The designer will show the ShowWhenCustomAttributePresent attached property in the property editor for the CustomLabel, but not for CustomLabelNoCustomAttribute.


    Actual usage: I can not find any usage of this attribute in the .Net framework with Reflector.

    Funny side note: Apparently it is also the longest type name of the .Net 3.0 framework