I need some help with my program. It's supposed to sqrt all element of a Integer list and give back a list of Float, in 3 variants: 1) recursive, 2) list comprehensions, 3) higher-order functions. I've wrote first one, which works fine:
-- recursive:
sqrtL1 :: [Integer] -> [Float]
sqrtL1 [] = []
sqrtL1 (n:ns) = (sqrt x) : sqrtL1(ns)
where x = fromIntegral n :: Float
-- Listenkomprehension:
sqrtL2 :: [Integer] -> [Float]
sqrtL2 (n:ns) = [sqrt x | x <- ns]
where x = fromIntegral n :: Float --(it doesn't work tho)
-- Higher-order:
sqrtL3 :: [Integer] -> [Float]
sqrtL3 ns = map sqrt ns
but I'm getting troubles with converting in the next two cases. Could someone help me?
The problem with sqrtL2
is x
is not in scope outside the list comprehension. You need to do the fromIntegral
inside the list comprehension like this:
sqrtL2 ns = [sqrt (fromIntegral x) | x <- ns]
is fine except you don't have a fromIntegral
anywhere and sqrt
is Floating a => a -> a
so it doesn't work with Integer. So you need this instead:
map (sqrt . fromIntegral) ns