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Is it possible to call multiple post-build events in Delphi 2007?

I am trying to run two cmd files from the post-build event of a Delphi 2007 project.

The build events are configured like this:

..\..\buildtools\postbuild.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)$(OUTPUTNAME)
..\copydlls.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)

The first one works fine, the second one seems to never get called at all.

If I change the order like this:

..\copydlls.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)
..\..\buildtools\postbuild.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)$(OUTPUTNAME)

Again, only the first one is executed.

Is this a known limitation / bug of Delphi 2007 or am I doing something wrong here? (I could have sworn that this used to work in the past.)

EDIT: I found a workaround:

%comspec% /c ..\..\buildtools\postbuild.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)$(OUTPUTNAME)
%comspec% /c ..\copydlls.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)

This works as expected. Still odd.

EDIT2: There is another option, I found in this answer on StackOverflow:

call ..\..\buildtools\postbuild.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)$(OUTPUTNAME)
call ..\copydlls.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)

I guess (without having tried it), that is is a problem only if the build event is a cmd file and the past experience I cited above did not call cmd files but executables.


  • I guess the workaround I added in EDIT2 is the one that should be used, so I am adding this as an answer myself:

    When calling cmd files (probably also bat files) a "call" must be added in front of it:

    call ..\..\buildtools\postbuild.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)$(OUTPUTNAME)
    call ..\copydlls.cmd $(OUTPUTDIR)