I build an app with four tabs and, as a consequence, four fragments. In the first fragment, I have a sliding menu and I throw with a custom icon in the actionbar. The problem is that in the others fragments, I want to stablish other custom icon to return to the first fragment but I don't know what to do...
This is my styles.xml with my custom icon for the sliding menu:
<!-- Application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/menu32</item>
The java code works well but I don't know how to change the icon dynamically.
This is what I have:
You can use the following in your fragments:
Actionbar ab = getActivity().getActionBar();
Where icon
is a Drawable or a resource id, when the up indicator is a part of your icon.
You can also use setHomeAsUpIndicator if you use API level > 11:
If your API level is lower, then I suggest you make use of ActionbarSherlock.