I want to get the session ID of a user's session in a remote machine. I could achieve this through the command
$result = Query Session account17 /server:localhost
$result = qwinsta account17 /SERVER:localhost
But this is done locally.
But when trying to run the command on a remote session I am getting the error 'No session exists for account17', even if the user account17 is logged in. I am able to get the session of the user by performing the above command on the machine locally.
Is there a way to retrieve the session ID of a remote machine?
You can get that from WMI by the Win32_LoggedOnUser class, but you have to do some parsing to get it nicely:
gwmi win32_loggedonuser -ComputerName $computername |
foreach {
User = $_.antecedent -replace '.+Domain="(.+)",Name="(.+)"','$1\$2'
Session = $_.dependent -replace '.+LogonID="(\d+)"','$1'
Or you can use CIM:
Get-CimInstance win32_loggedonuser -ComputerName $computername |
foreach {
User = $_.antecedent -replace '.+Name = "(.+)", Domain = "(.+)".','$2\$1'
Session = $_.dependent -replace '.+LogonID = "(\d+)".','$1'