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XRLabel.Angle at Runtime

iam using DevExpress v.10.2 and want to show a XRLabel on XtraReport with Angle. If iam using the Designer it is working fine. But now i want to do this at runtime, because the Label.Text is dynamic. My Problem is that the Report doesnt show my Label. I read some DevExpress Support article, which descripe that it is just working on PDF-Format. But in my case i just see a small grey line. I tried following to just populating my XRLabel for the first:

XRLabel druckinfo = new XRLabel();
druckinfo.Text = string.Format("SB{0} {1} EMAIL {2}", _Sachbearbeiter.Sbnr, _Kennung,
                _Sachbearbeiter.Email1); //The values are filled and working.
                druckinfo.Visible = true;
                druckinfo.AutoWidth = false;
                druckinfo.Angle = 90;
                druckinfo.Font = new Font("Arial", 6f);
                band.Controls.Add(druckinfo); //This is the DetailBand where i add other Labels too and its working fine.
                druckinfo.HeightF = 500f; //Setting Height very high, because the text turns and i thought this is working. But seems to have no effect :(
                druckinfo.LocationF = new PointF(400f, 400f);
                druckinfo.Borders = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.BorderSide.All;

If i delete following line:

druckinfo.Angle = 90;

the Label becomes show fine but without Angle for sure.

Here a Screenshot which shows the Label with top settings on the PDF:

enter image description here This are the settings of my Report:

 _Report.PaperKind = PaperKind.A4;
 _Report.ReportUnit = ReportUnit.HundredthsOfAnInch;
 _Report.ShowPrintMarginsWarning = false;
 _Report.Margins = new Margins(0, 0, 0, 0);

All other Properties are on default value. The Bands which exists are following:

PageHeaderBand DetailBand PageFooterBand



  • This seems to be working :) I am not sure why this works and my top post dont. But i copied the code which is generated by designer and now it works.

    XRLabel druckinfo = new XRLabel();
    druckinfo.Angle = 90F;
    druckinfo.Padding = new PaddingInfo(2, 2, 0, 0, 96F);
    druckinfo.SizeF = new SizeF(29.16666F, 500F);
    druckinfo.Font = new Font("Arial",8f);
    druckinfo.Text = text;
    druckinfo.LocationF = new PointF(0F, 500F);