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How to pre select multiple options using jinja2 and select2?

I am trying to reatain data from my db and pre-select a multi select using select2 and jinja2.

My jija2/html code:

<span class="input-group-addon">Relocate Where</span>
        {% if not context.relocate_to %}
            <input class="form-control" id="relocate_to" value="" type="hidden" name="relocate_to" data-placeholder="Choose province" />
        {% else %}
            {% for v in context.relocate_to|batch(9, '&nbsp;') %}
                <input class="form-control" id="relocate_to" value="{{v}} " type="hidden" name="relocate_to" data-placeholder="Choose province" />
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

my Js:

$.getJSON("{{'provinces.json'|route_url}}").success(function(data) {
            multiple: true
        maximumSelectionSize: 9

This only fills the multi select with 1 tag, this is wrong as there is 2 Provinces in the database for this user, and there can be 9 Provinces selected.

I have looked at these question, but it doesn't help me much.

How can I achieve my goal of retaining the data with jinja2 and select2?

Would it be better retaining the data using jQuery?


  • I found an alternative way of doing what I wanted to do:

    In my python code I create a dict with the data to create the select then I do this:

    <span class="input-group-addon">relocate to</span>
        <select name="relocate_to" id="relocate_to" multiple="" class="form-control">
            {% for k, v in relocate_list.iteritems() %} <!-- relocate_list was a list, is now a dictionary -->
                {% if k in context.relocate_to %}
                    <option value="{{ k }}" selected="">{{ v }}</option> 
                {% else %}
                    <option value="{{ k }}">{{ v }}</option>
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

    I hope this can help someone in the future.

    Then I just initialize select2:

            maximumSelectionSize : 9