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Jprogressbar not working

I am trying to upload a few files over the network. while uploading it will take an indeterminate time. so wish to display an indeterminate jprogressbar during the upload. The problem, however is that my jprogressbar and upload does not work simultaneously. I tried the upload in a separate thread while keeping the jprogressbar in the EDT. I tried a few different ways. some of them are: 1) implemented Runnable and in run() I uploaded the file. The progressbar was in the EDT all this time. (did not work.) 2) had two separate threads and put both upload and progressbar handling in each. (not working). the code for this is :

Thread oThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {

   public void run() 


Thread oThread1 = new Thread(new Runnable() 

    public void run() {"Upload result from ***: "+ newport.upload(textbyte, wavbyte,xmlbyte, filename));


3) then I rewrote the entire thing and tried a different approach using Executor like this:

executor.execute(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
            upload actions

            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

but none of these techniques worked. I am new to this and am wondering if all this has to be done to have a jprogressbar (indeterminate) displayed. I would like to know if there is a simpler and easier way to do this.


  • You aren't actually setting the value of the progress bar at any point in the code you have posted.

    Additionally this looks like a good case for using SwingWorker, it will perform the work on a different thread and then call you back with progress. The good thing being those callbacks happen already on the Swing thread.

    This SwingWorker example even includes setting a progress bar: