Rails provides filter_parameter_logging to filter sensitive parameters from the rails log.
If you have a a JSONP API, some sensitive information could be present in the URL. Is there a way to filter request URLS from the log also?
Note: The answer here was the way to get it work on Rails 2.x ~> 3.0. Starting from Rails 3.1, if you set config.filter_parameters
, Rails will filter out the sensitive parameter in the query string as well. See this commit for more detail.
I think in that case, you need to override complete_request_uri
in ActionController::Base, since ActionController::Benchmarking calls that method and prints the line that looks like:
Completed in 171ms (View: 35, DB: 7) | 200 OK [http://localhost:3000/]
I think you can put this in initializer to override this method
class ActionController::Base
def complete_request_uri
"#{request.protocol}#{request.host}#{request.request_uri.gsub(/secret=([a-z0-9]+)/i, "secret=[FILTERTED]")}"
Note that you need to play a bit with regular expression to make it substitute the portion you wanted.