I'm attempting to get a toy program running with AVT's VIMBA SDK. At the moment, it is going well save for one caveat. When I attempt to compile, I get a series of errors (14 of them) that all are marked same thing:
function *insert call here* definition is marked dllimport
The file itself is below- the curious thing is that in in this file, only ~IFeatureObserver(), IFeatureObserver(), and IFeatureObserver( const IFeatureObserver& ) are triggering the error; FeatureChanged() does not error out during a compile.
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/VimbaCPPCommon.h>
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/SharedPointerDefines.h>
#include <VimbaCPP/Include/Feature.h>
#include <vector>
namespace AVT {
namespace VmbAPI {
class IFeatureObserver
IMEXPORT virtual void FeatureChanged( const FeaturePtr &pFeature ) = 0;
IMEXPORT virtual ~IFeatureObserver() {}
IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver() {}
IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver( const IFeatureObserver& ) { /* No copy ctor */ }
typedef std::vector<IFeatureObserverPtr> IFeatureObserverPtrVector;
}} // namespace AVT::VmbAPI
After tracking down source of IMEXPORT, I found it in a .h file.
#if defined (_WIN32)
#if defined AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_EXPORTS // DLL exports
#define IMEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_LIB // static LIB
#define IMEXPORT
#else // import
#define IMEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#elif defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && defined (__ELF__)
#define IMEXPORT
#elif defined (__APPLE__)
#define IMEXPORT
#error Unknown platform, file needs adaption
I am currently programming in Qt on a Win7-32 bit machine, and as far as I can tell IMEXPORT is being defined as __declspec(dllimport).
Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
You should define the macro AVT_VMBAPI_CPP_EXPORTS
in your makefile or VS project. This way IMEXPORT is defined as dllexport for this library and dll import when other libraries/app use it.
BTW it's cleaner to add this attribute to the class itself, not every function.
class IMEXPORT IFeatureObserver {
virtual void FeatureChanged( const FeaturePtr &pFeature ) = 0;