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Is Zend\Mail\Storage\Imap.php hanging up my server?

I am trying to learn/understand Zend Framework for retrieving e-mail messages via IMAP. Our web host doesn't have the IMAP extension enabled on our web server and I have osTicket installed. I want to replace the IMAP function references in osTicket with correlating Zend_Mail references, but to do that I need to understand Zend_Mail a little better.

I have the Zend Framework 2.2.5 and have done my best to read through the documentation, but most of the documentation is really directed at prior versions and while I am doing my best to adjust to read for the updated version, there are some things I am just not understanding.

I have created a test script to get me started, but I'm not understanding what is really happening here and am hoping for a little direction. Here's my script (personal details have been obviously modified for anonymity sake):

* simple php script to verify zend mail functionality  *
*                                                      *

define('ZEND_DIR',INCLUDE_DIR.'zend/library/'); //ZendFramework-2.2.5

$root = ROOT_DIR;
$support = SUPPORT_DIR;
$incl = INCLUDE_DIR;
$zendir = ZEND_DIR;

echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";

echo "Include Imap... ";
if ((include_once(ZEND_DIR.'Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php')) !== 1)
    echo 'Include Imap failed.';
    echo "<br>";

echo getcwd() . "\n";

$mail_config = array(
    'host' => '',
    'user' => '',
    'password' => 'password',
    'ssl' => 'SSL',
    'port' => 993

echo "\n";

$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap($mail_config);

echo "\n";
var_dump($count = $mail->countMessages());


This appears to run without any errors, except nothing happens after the include_once statement. This is what gets returned to my screen:

string(57) "/usr/home/username/public_html/"

string(65) "/usr/home/username/public_html/"

string(73) "/usr/home/username/public_html/"

string(86) "/usr/home/username/public_html/"

Include Storage\Imap...

It doesn't show the getcwd(), or the var_dump's for either the array or the count of messages. I even tried changing my if statement verifying the include_once worked to echo a statement if it was successful and that didn't display.

Is the script getting hung up in zend\mail\storage\imap.php? What am I not doing correctly here? Like I said, I'm trying to learn it and have been searching high and low for code examples that use v2.2.5, but I obviously missing something. What is it?


phpinfo() did not show a location for my error logs, so I added the following to the beginning my test script:

ini_set('track_errors', 1);

It created the "error_log.log" file, right where it was supposed to, but it's empty and Runscope didn't see the script run?


  • It looks like you're trying to follow a ZF1 example but using ZF2, which is understandable, but unfortunately won't work.

    Firstly, install Composer - - it just makes everything easier. I'd recommend going for the 'global' installation option (which the rest of this answer will assume you've done).

    In the root folder of your project, create a composer.json file (which lists the project's dependencies). In it, put:

        "require": {
            "php": ">=5.3.3",
            "zendframework/zend-mail": "2.*"

    this lists Zend Mail as a dependency and also PHP 5.3.3 (which ZF2 requires as a minimum).

    Run composer install to install these. You'll see some output as it downloads the files. Once it's done, it should have created a folder called vendor into which it's installed the ZF2 mail class.

    Your whole script can then be simplified to this:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $mail_config = array(
        'host' => '',
        'user' => '',
        'password' => 'password',
        'ssl' => 'SSL',
        'port' => 993
    $mail = new \Zend\Mail\Storage\Imap($mail_config);
    $count = $mail->countMessages();

    You can remove the copy of ZF2 you put in zend/library/ (assuming you're not using it for anything else).