Is there an easy way to define lookup values in your route.maproute?
example route:
name: "example route",
url: "product/{subcat}",
defaults: new { controller = "Redirect", action = "ProcessPage"}
Where: {subcat} can only be the following values: subcat1, subcat2, subcat3
I'm trying to write redirects from an old site to a new site (can't use IIS), the old site does not have consistent urls and some of them fall into patterns of my new site. I would like to avoid writing a route for every single redirect.
You can use regular expressions to constrain your route values:
name: "example route",
url: "product/{subcat}",
defaults: new { controller = "Redirect", action = "ProcessPage"},
constraints: new { subcat = @"^subcat\d*$ }
I've assumed here that the constraint is "subcat" appended with an integer (that's the best I can extract from your question) - modify this to meet your requirements. If you need an explicit set of values, you can just use the regex OR operator with your list of accepted strings: