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How to add an entry to context menus in Nautilus?

I have a tool that works on Pharo packages (RPackages).

To make it accessible i want to add a menu entry to the Nautilus package context menu, so one can open my tool on selected packages from within Nautilus. Is this possible?


  • To add entries to the Nautilus context menus you can use one of the menu pragmas that are defined in the AbstractNautilusUI menu pragmas protocol.

    Just define a class side method with one of the pragmas on any class you desire. For example:

    MyClass class >> myMenuEntry: aBuilder
       | target packages |
       target := aBuilder model.
       (packages := target selectedPackages) ifNil: [ ^ target ].
       (aBuilder item: #'Show my selection')
            action: [ self inform: packages ]

    In the case of the Nautilus package menu you obtain the selection via

    aBuilder model selectedPackages

    Use the Finder’s pragma search option to look at examples.

    (Thanks to Benjamin Van Ryseghem)