For a university term project, I'm working on a graphical roguelike (I'm aware of the contradiction in terms :P) that uses an isometric display. What I'm trying to figure out is, since drawing all the tiles is stupidly expensive and unnecessary, I'm wanting to figure out a relatively fast algorithm to determine which tiles should be drawn to fit within an NxMpx window, given that the tile graphics are XxYpx.
I'm not doing smooth scrolling for this, so that's not an issue. I'm also not worried about being perfect - a little unnecessary draw is fine, I just don't want to draw a huge amount of unnecessary tiles that won't show up in-game.
You need to think about two concepts: Screen space and world space. These are very important in 3d engines, but they apply to all but the very simplest games. In the isometric engine your world-space is a 2d array of tiles.
So you are looking first of all at a way to covert between these two co-ordinate spaces. Once you've done that, it'll be obvious that screen space maps onto the world as a rectange that's turned at 45 degrees. You can determine a formula for that, but it's only important if you are trying to determine which part of the world space is visible so you only simulate monsters in that area (an efficiency necessary on 8 bit consoles, probably not on a modern PC!). When it comes to actual rendering you don't really need to determine this visible region of the world, because it's implicit in the way you render the tiles onto the screen:-
Other tips:-
Anyway, that's enough to be getting on with, hope it's helpful and your project goes well.