In the Facebook's Graph API, once we have initially authenticated the user, we can interact directly with the API (from the server) to obtain a long-lived page access token. This long-lived page access token never expires. (
In reading LinkedIn's documentation, it appears that it is impossible to obtain an access token with an indefinite (non-expiring) access token. It seems that they expire every 60 days. However, these access tokens can be refreshed before the 60 days is up.
What isn't entirely clear from the documentation is whether or not the access token renewal can be performed on the server alone without the client's interaction. The language of the documentation suggests that the interaction of the client (browser) is required, but nothing is explicitly stated.
So, my question is, is it possible to renew a LinkedIn access token using the server alone, without the interaction of the client (browser)?
Relevant LinkedIn reference material:
As it turns out, the access tokens of linkedin can not be refreshed without having linkedin user logging in to linkedin. Please refer to the first comment here by LinkedIn employee which clearly states a note that "this refresh will only work if the user is still logged into LinkedIn (authenticated) and the current access token isn't expired. Otherwise, the user will be presented with the login dialog again."
I guess that is now a major issue for those who were previously storing the linkedin access tokens to database for later use.
I am mentioning few links here which refer to the issue with refreshing linkedin oauth2 tokens (hope this makes it clear for everyone who is struggling with the same issue):