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Get thrown exception in finally block

Is there a way, how to get currently thrown exception (if exists)?

I would like reduce amount of code and apply some reuse for task looks like:

Exception thrownException = null;
try {
    // some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions
catch( Exception exc ) {
    thrownException = exc;
    LogException( exc );
finally {
    if ( null == thrownException ) {
        // some code
    else {
        // some code

and replace it with this code:

using( ExceptionHelper.LogException() ) {
    // some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions
using( new ExceptionHelper { ExceptionAction = ()=> /*some cleaning code*/ } ) {
    // some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions

public class ExceptiohHelper : IDisposable {
    public static ExceptionHelper LogException() {
        return new ExceptionHelper();

    public Action SuccessfulAction {get; set;}
    public Action ExceptionAction {get; set;}

    public void Dispose() {
        Action action;
        Exception thrownException = TheMethodIDontKnow();
        if ( null != thrownException ) {
            LogException( thrownException );
            action = this.ExceptionAction;
        else {
            action = this.SuccessfulAction;

        if ( null != action ) {

Is this scenario posible?



  • What do you think about the following. Instead of looking at the problem as "How to get the last exception?", what if you change it to, "How do I run some piece of code with some more control?"

    For example: Instead of an ExceptionHelper you could have an ActionRunner.

    public class ActionRunner
        public Action AttemptAction { get; set; }
        public Action SuccessfulAction { get; set; }
        public Action ExceptionAction { get; set; }
        public void RunAction()
            catch (Exception ex)
        private void LogException(Exception thrownException) { /* log here... */ }

    It would at least give you some reuse of the SuccessfulAction and ExceptionAction assuming only the AttemptAction varies between calls.

    var actionRunner = new ActionRunner
        AttemptAction = () =>
            Console.WriteLine("Going to throw...");
            throw new Exception("Just throwing");
        ExceptionAction = () => Console.WriteLine("ExceptionAction"),
        SuccessfulAction = () => Console.WriteLine("SuccessfulAction"),
    actionRunner.AttemptAction = () => Console.WriteLine("Running some other code...");