Is there a way, how to get currently thrown exception (if exists)?
I would like reduce amount of code and apply some reuse for task looks like:
Exception thrownException = null;
try {
// some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions
catch( Exception exc ) {
thrownException = exc;
LogException( exc );
finally {
if ( null == thrownException ) {
// some code
else {
// some code
and replace it with this code:
using( ExceptionHelper.LogException() ) {
// some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions
using( new ExceptionHelper { ExceptionAction = ()=> /*some cleaning code*/ } ) {
// some code with 3rd party classes, which can throw unexpected exceptions
public class ExceptiohHelper : IDisposable {
public static ExceptionHelper LogException() {
return new ExceptionHelper();
public Action SuccessfulAction {get; set;}
public Action ExceptionAction {get; set;}
public void Dispose() {
Action action;
Exception thrownException = TheMethodIDontKnow();
if ( null != thrownException ) {
LogException( thrownException );
action = this.ExceptionAction;
else {
action = this.SuccessfulAction;
if ( null != action ) {
Is this scenario posible?
What do you think about the following. Instead of looking at the problem as "How to get the last exception?", what if you change it to, "How do I run some piece of code with some more control?"
For example: Instead of an ExceptionHelper you could have an ActionRunner.
public class ActionRunner
public Action AttemptAction { get; set; }
public Action SuccessfulAction { get; set; }
public Action ExceptionAction { get; set; }
public void RunAction()
catch (Exception ex)
private void LogException(Exception thrownException) { /* log here... */ }
It would at least give you some reuse of the SuccessfulAction and ExceptionAction assuming only the AttemptAction varies between calls.
var actionRunner = new ActionRunner
AttemptAction = () =>
Console.WriteLine("Going to throw...");
throw new Exception("Just throwing");
ExceptionAction = () => Console.WriteLine("ExceptionAction"),
SuccessfulAction = () => Console.WriteLine("SuccessfulAction"),
actionRunner.AttemptAction = () => Console.WriteLine("Running some other code...");